Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

roman holiday

It was at Kitzbuhel, not Gstaad
where I saw Polanski--up close--
in a skislope cafeteria line, red snowsuit size small,
sliding slowly along the rails
a tray of wiener schnitzel mit pommes und ketchup
Like Everybody Else.

He had his two young children with him.
Like Everybody Else.

I wanted to say, "Hey, nice work on 'Chinatown'"
but didn't. As usual, faced with a celebrity icon, I fell silent.

Now I remember and think:
Do we forgive a man a heinous crime
because of his art, or because
his life has been filled with tragedy
or because he only did what everybody else
was doing in Jack and Anjelica's Casa California
or because an asshole judge lied to him
or because the French crypto-intelligentsia
says it must be so?

Maybe. But probably not.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

gauche caviar

"Is Socialism dead?" my morning headline so screams.
Europe's Left can't get anything right, it seems.
Just when Capitalism is raw red meat for Michael Moore
the only dark specter haunting us is a bore.
Anyway what about "dangerous European Socialism" does America fear:
six weeks vacation, longer life, fitter health, better beer?

Monday, September 28, 2009

Thursday, September 24, 2009

east side glory

Feelgood proliferation?
Crave some adoration,
a standing ovation
for that rambling oration?
Attention all planets
of the solar federation:
For a general assembly of
Multinational Masturbation,
take your problem to the
Yoo-nighted Nay-aytion.

Friday, September 18, 2009

rhymes with banker

bonus under threat,
white, hot under the collar
in sweat-stained chalk stripe

Thursday, September 17, 2009

missile envy

Oh no! An empty silo
into which will echo
unheard wishes for
Europe's protection?

Say it ain't so, O.
Warsaw and Prague
need to know
Nato's got their back.

Don't forget Moscow
plays its hardball cold;
who'll melt the rain when
red snow starts to fall?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

play it again

Recession is over, the market is back--
time to get back the Big Mac attack.

Forget whose default, no one's to blame,
hike up your graph is the name of the game.

Who'll pay the bills you may well ax
when no one is willing to pay more tax?

We'll cut waste and fraud, but don't worry hang loose,
we won't take away your precious abuse.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

power to ignore

It feeds--and feeds on--
the actions of the asinine.

Resist the temptation--
the need to know more--
and ignore the philistine.

Summon up the will to make
the fake media moment
Simply. Go. Away.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

summit up

@twitter won’t fly in Russia,
land of vacuum tubes and vodka.
So steam your press pool
A headline sets in lead:
Talking Titans in Podium Flash
Compare Diminishing Warheads
Total throw-weight crash.

Monday, July 6, 2009

match point

White satin track suit
garlanded gold—
no sweat
beading his head—
our hero cocks
a cool eyebrow
at the loser (confused, staring
into the grass, into
the chalky distance),
who only just a minute ago
was giving not quite
as good as he got.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

crown of gold, cross of platinum

“It is finished,”
He must have said
—the fool who felt himself
a boy and crowned himself
expiring alone
in the company of
His Personal Physician.
But all is not lost,
o mourning masses.
The coke-High Priests light candles,
give thanks that He died
—ascending the charts—
so that you may buy
a piece of history and
they may dwell forever
and ever
among the canyons.

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